Friday, November 17, 2006

Core 2 Duo

Well maybe getting 2 core 2 duo machines (one for my lab to run Redhat and the other on my MacBook Pro) this early, was not a great idea. Reasons:

* Redhat still has not come up with a stable version for core 2 duo - there is a beta version 5 - but its extremely unstable.

* Apple has a huge manufacturing back log and their delivery dates are getting more and more delayed. My purchase on 10/31 is yet to be shipped from Singapore.

So I have bought 2 new computers in the last three months, neither of which I can use. The Mac is yet to be delivered and the lab machine will have to wait to be used till Redhat version 5 becomes stable (Fedora has a semi-stable version for core duo 2, but my support does not want anything other than Redhat!!)

So if you are planning on buying a machine, hold off for a little bit on the core duo 2s.

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