Sunday, July 13, 2008


Lazy Sunday afternoon ... (too lazy to complete sentence) ... I am lounging on my couch by the living room window with 2 dogs heaped up on top of my feet under a blanket - my feet are warm, but my muscles are feeling cramped! Cannot step off the couch!

I have been catching up on the news, blogs and such ... am glad to read/hear about the success of the Pride Parade in India. First time in Delhi and B'lore and yet again in good ol' Cal. Step in the right direction.

I have a blog fan - D** the M**, heres your update.


On a more serious note - I was browsing through my archives and was quite shocked at how seldom I have been updating, and as my posts have become infrequent they have also become less thoughtful. I am not sure if this is a step in the right direction.

I haven't become less thoughtful - but I do find myself being more social - than I want to be sometimes. But hey, can't complain about having a diverse set of wonderful friends.

then again ... summer is a less thoughtful time. Its short, its beautiful and its the time to enjoy the outdoors - and its difficult to entertain coherent ideas while - say - pruning a rose bush, or grilling a steak, or pitching a tent ... or a zillion other things that all need me to concentrate on appropriately orienting my limbs in space. ... or sipping a perfect mint mojito while watching the sun set on the lake.

Sometimes we experience, and sometimes we sit back, observe and think. But to immerse ourselves in the intensity of a moment, and yet be detached from it to observe and analyze every detail ... What did I just say?