Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Exactly reflects my pov on coming out... especially at the work place. Of course, its one of those slightly self defeating arguments. The premise is: My job should have nothing to do with my personal life, so why bother to come out. Well if truely work has nothing to do with our personal lives then why not come out!!! Of course the issue is, that most of the time we don't come out at work is to avoid discrimination (least resistance). Which of course means that our personal lives do influence our work place performance. Like a cat running after its own tail.

Lately the weather has been wet and cold. The rain droplets on my window pane are making it look like a shimmering curtain of glass beads. Light from the street lamp is being bent by the water to the remotest corners of my living room. The reflections are scaring my poor pumpkin, and the twinkle of the holiday lights seem to mingle with the shimmer of the raindrops.

The clouds keep coming in from the lake, spilling over the hills through the colored forests into the valleys where we live. Invading our hearts and minds with a touch of damp melancholy.

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